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USTA Orange Ball Team Challenge

  • Launchpad Tennis @ Toledo Tennis Club 4300 Sheraton Road Ottawa Hills, OH, 43615 United States (map)

We are holding a USTA Orange Ball Team Challenge (beginner ~8-11 years olds) Saturday, July 23rd from 1:00-3:00pm.

Participants will play sets of doubles and singles and will be matched up by age and ability.

Please note this event will be held outdoors at Toledo Tennis Club on their hard courts. Please park on Sheraton Road (here).

Team Challenge is a low-pressure team environment that allows children to develop their skills through level-based play without an emphasis on instruction or results.

You can sign up here or call/text us at 419-246-1931. The cost is $30.

July 23

Launchpad Ladies' 2.5 Summer Singles Championship

July 24

Next Gen/Challengers Round Robin